ⓒ 2019 WATV
The first dedication service during the second half of 2019 was held at the Dalseo Church in Daegu on July 6, which was the Sabbath day. In the evening of the same day, there was another dedication service for the Indong Church in Gumi. The members in the areas arrived at the new temples with joy and excitement.
Visiting Gyeongsang Province when summer began in earnest, Mother offered up prayers of blessings for the members who made efforts for the gospel and kept their faith firm despite heat and economic difficulties. Mother reminded them of the eternally rich and glorious kingdom of heaven and strengthened their hope for heaven. “Let’s diligently share hope and blessings of heaven with our neighbors who are tired in the world,” She said.
General Pastor Kim Joo-cheol congratulated them on their dedication and hoped that the new temples would become the gospel ground worthy of God’s will and the place of grace where the love of Father and Mother can be planted in the hearts of the members and citizens. “The church that followsthe teachings of Jesus exactly, both 2,000 years ago and now, is only the Church of God. Let’s have confidence in that and preach hard the truth of salvation to those who do not know God the Mother yet,” he said (1 Co 1:2–3; Gal 4:26; Rev 22:17; 2 Co 6:17–18).

ⓒ 2019 WATV
As the mission to preach to seven billion is being fulfilled speedily, the new temples will be established and the dedication services will be held in many places of Korea such as Seoul, Daejeon, Gimpo, Yeosu, Suncheon, Wonju, Seosan, and Jeju, continually in the second half of the year.
The Dalseo Church in Daegu 
ⓒ 2019 WATV
If you walk down the street with plane trees from Wolgok Intersection toward Sangin Station, you will see the neat and strong Dalseo Church. Dalseo-gu is the borough with the most population in Daegu. It’s expected that many citizens will visit the church as it’s close to Seongseo Industrial Complex and many schools including Keimyung University. More than 1,500 members joyfully participated in its dedication service.
The Indong Church in Gumi 
ⓒ 2019 WATV
Gumi is the symbolic city for the economic development of Korea with its Gumi National Industrial Complex which took the lead in export-oriented industry. The fifth complex is under construction with a plan to invite futuristic industries like IT on a large scale. It has potential for the development not only of Gumi but also of the gospel. “We’ll devote ourselves to volunteer services and preaching in unity so that the new temple can be a resting place for busy citizens,” said the members of the Indong Church.